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ideas for lead generation

5 Ideas for Lead Generation [INFOGRAPHIC]

If you’re running a B2B business, your marketing should be primarily focusing on acquiring leads. But, how do you get leads in a highly-competitive market?

Here are our 5 tried-and-tested lead generation ideas you can implement in your marketing strategy!

High-Quality Blog Content

Blogs are an excellent way of sharing your knowledge and establishing yourself as an industry leader.

When concluding your articles, be sure to include CTAs that invite your readers to sign up for a newsletter, follow your socials, or make a purchase. Ensure that your CTAs are relevant to your business goals.

Free Guides to Download

Email marketing should already be a key part of your strategy, but how do you actually get addresses in the first place?

A great way of doing this is offering a free downloadable guide packed with info that readers can exchange their email to get access to. Use these addresses when sending out mail blasts with offers and promos.

Create Online Courses

People all over the world – including your customers – are looking for ways to educate themselves and improve their skill sets.

Creating an online course can be a great way of finding people who already have an interest in your service and/or knowledge.

When someone has completed a course, set up an automatic mail funnel that invites them to make another purchase.

Answer Questions

Did you know that the idea for Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for Life originally began as a series of answers to a question on Quora?

People are always looking for answers, so spending a few hours a week answering online questions is a pain-free way of getting leads.

Remember to flesh out your profile to include links to websites, socials, and more.

Feature on Podcasts

This one is a bit harder to make happen, but something that can get you some huge exposure.

By reaching out to, and being a guest on, podcasts with a fanbase that relates to your industry, you can tap into an existing audience with ease.

When reaching out to podcast hosts, be sure to explain who you are, and why you’d be a good fit for their show.

The Infographic

Check out the full infographic below:

lead generation ideas for your marketing