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Tag: social media marketing

Social Media Day 2016: 4 Ways to Celebrate, Social Media Style

  Since its initial launch in 2010, Mashable’s Social Media Day has grown with each passing year. It is fast becoming an internationally-recognised day wherein people from all around the globe join to celebrate the impact that social media has had on our lives and the way we interact with

Should You Consider Snapchat For Your Business?

  Since its creation as an iOS­only app called Picaboo, Snapchat has evolved into one of the most popular social networks for younger people. However, its popularity has always been somewhat tarred where businesses are concerned because of its slightly risqué history. Is it finally time for you to consider

Is Instagram Bad for Photography?

  Since it was launched in October 2010, Instagram has quickly caught on as one of the world’s primary photo sharing platforms. On it you can take a photo, make it look pretty and share it with the world in a matter of seconds. But is that good news for

Get Scarily Good at Social Media this Halloween

  If you are in charge of managing social media with your company, Halloween should be a real treat for you. Regardless of how you feel about cutting holes in an old bed sheet and scaring your thirteen year old nephew out of his skin, there are plenty of ways

What Should Be In My Social Media Policy?

  In today’s world, having a solid social media policy is just good business sense. Employees are now more connected to the outside world more than ever and so it is crucial to have your finger on the pulse of what they are saying. The recent story of the teenage

5 Innovative Twitter Campaigns

Businesses and organisations who succeed on Twitter are always the ones who are innovative with their campaigns. Here are some of the top Twitter campaigns that have caught our eyes over the past few years… 1. #40Dollars December 2011, and February 2012, were months when social media was used for

Are Smartphones Controlling Our Shopping?

  Can you remember the days when you actually visited the high-street? We remember those days like they were only yesterday – but something has changed and it isn’t just the towns. It is our attitudes and behaviours towards shopping. Shopping online offers convenience and ease. Not only can we