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Tips for Instagram Marketing

Leadership in the Limelight: The Power of C-Suite Personal Branding

In today’s digital age where even your next-door neighbour’s cat has its own TikTok account, the role of the C-Suite executive is evolving. No longer confined to the boardroom, today’s leaders are stepping into the social media spotlight, wielding the power of C-Suite personal branding

ROE vs. ROI: Measuring the Value of Social Media Interactions

It’s all well and good being able to create a strategy for social media, but understanding the impact of your strategy is vital for sustainable growth and engagement.  At Giraffe we quite often get asked about the best metrics for determining a campaign’s overall performance.
Social Media News Roundup February 2024

Social News April 2024 Round-Up

Spring is officially in bloom, the birds are tweeting, and we’re back to dive into the latest and hottest social media news updates in the industry. So, grab yourself an iced coffee, sit back and relax while we share a round-up of what has been
instagram marketing mistakes

The 9 Deadly Instagram Marketing Mistakes [INFOGRAPHIC]

It feels like every day there are changes to Instagram’s mystical algorithm which means us marketers have to find new and innovative ways of using the platform. However, whilst the algorithm changes on an almost daily basis, there are a few universal things that NEED
how to set up an instagram shop

How to Set Up an Instagram Shop

Are you ready to set up an Instagram Shop, but aren’t sure how? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! In this guide, you’ll learn how Instagram Shops can help your businesses reach more customers, and discover the best methods of creating one for your
how to get views on an instagram

How to Get Instagram Story Views

If you’ve found yourself reading this article, you likely want to know how to get more views on your Instagram story. And with so many businesses using the platform to promote themselves, you’re not alone. The good news is that, here at Giraffe, we’re experts
sponsoring instagram posts

Sponsoring Instagram Posts: Our Top Tips

Sponsoring Instagram posts is one of the best ways to grow and promote your business. Its focus on visual elements makes it different to other social platforms, so it stands apart from the rest. Instagram for Business boasts many useful features such as access to