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Tips for Instagram Marketing

How to use Instagram Reels

How to post brilliant Instagram Reels in eight easy steps. If you’re here because you just googled ‘How do I post Instagram Reels’, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Instagram invested a great deal into marketing and uptake of Reels. On launch day, most user’s feeds
How can I use IGTV for Business?

How Can I Use IGTV for Business?

IGTV (or Instagram Television) is Instagram’s answer to YouTube, and launched back in 2018. It didn’t quite take off as expected, though, and you could be forgiven for leaving it out of your marketing campaign entirely. However, it’s actually a pretty nifty tool, so today

50 Ways To Be Better & Generate Demand On Instagram

If you want to generate demand on Instagram, first you have to acknowledge the need to be better. We’ve put together fifty ways you can begin to do just that. Instagram now sees over 400 million active users, daily. So whether you like it or

Is Instagram Right For Your Business?

Image based social networking site Instagram rose to prominence in 2010 and experienced such rapid growth and popularity that Facebook purchased them two years later for a cool $1 billion (didn’t they know they could download it for free?) With roughly 60 million photos shared
advertise on instagram

How to Advertise on Instagram: The Giraffe Guide

We live in an era when taking a photo of your food before eating it is the norm, the word ‘Instagrammeable’ has become an accepted and regularly used adverb and the commute from home would be a lonely journey without viewing our friends’ photos of
video content social

How Should I Use Video Content on Instagram?

It’s hard now to imagine a world without video content on Instagram, as it’s become a popular platform to share fitness tips, new product launches and reveal the gender of users’ babies all over the world. However, with social media forever growing and evolving it