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Tips for Influencer Marketing

the impact of micro-influencers [INFOGRAPHIC]

In the ever-evolving world of social media, micro-influencers are powerful allies for brands. With followings ranging from 1,000 to 100,000, influencers command high engagement and trust within their communities. This infographic explores the impact of micro-influencers through case studies and key statistics, looking at why
guide to influencer sizes

A Strategic Guide to Influencer Sizes: Navigating Nano to Mega

In the fast-paced world of social media, influencers play a pivotal role in shaping brand narratives and driving consumer behaviour. Whether you are new to influencer marketing or looking to refine your strategy, understanding the different influencer sizes—from nano to mega—is essential. This strategic guide
The Ethics of UGC: Guiding Brands through User-Generated Content Challenges_Giraffe Social_Blog

The Ethics of UGC: Guiding Brands through User-Generated Content Challenges

Best Practices for Ethical UGC Use creators who are engaged with the brand Focus on experiential content Encourage creative freedom Create compensation contracts Be transparent User-generated content (UGC) is a dynamic force shaping the landscape of online marketing and branding, engaging audiences in a way

How to Find the Perfect Travel Influencer

Finding the perfect travel influencer whose values resonate with yours, and whose content is not only pretty but delivers on your goals, can be a challenge. Influencer marketing is a great opportunity for travel brands with plenty of influencers out there waiting to showcase your brand.
the 4ms of influencer marketing

The 4 Ms of Influencer Marketing

The 4 Ms of Influencer Marketing: Influencer marketing is rapidly becoming one of the best ways for brands to reach a new audience on social media. With influencers all over the world fostering engaged audiences that look up to them, making use of influencer marketing
making authentic content

Making Authentic Content for Social Media

In the past few years of uncertain times, it is clear that there is an increasing need from consumers to experience real and authentic content on social media, especially when it comes to brands. Sprout Social has reported that “90% of consumers say authenticity is important
influencer marketing mistakes to avoid

Influencer Marketing Mistakes to Avoid [INFOGRAPHIC]

Before jumping into your own influencer marketing campaigns, it’s vital you have a solid understanding of what not to do. BONUS: Here’s your guide to the different types of influencer. In our infographic below, we explore five mistakes you need to avoid when running influencer
influencer marketing tips

The Four Ms of Influencer Marketing [Infographic]

In our recent blog, we explored the Four M’s of Influencer Marketing in great detail. If you want to check out in-depth information on each of the stages, we highly recommend you give that a read. As influencer marketing experts, we thought it was a
does influencer marketing work for b2b companies?

Does Influencer Marketing Work for B2B Companies?

Modern social media marketing is rife with influencer marketing campaigns. The authentic persona of influencers paired with genuine partnerships with brands is a recipe for success on social media. According to the Rakuten Marketing 2019 Influencer Marketing Report, “88% of consumers surveyed have been inspired
finding the right influencer

Finding the Right Influencer for your Brand [Infographic]

Advertising infuencer marketing is rapidly becoming one of the most popular forms of digital advertising. This explosion in popularity is down to the authenticity of influencers and the high engagement from their audiences. But, before you jump into running an influencer campaign yourself, it’s vitally