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Social Media News

How was Social Media Used for the Oklahoma Disaster?

  In the past when natural disasters have struck cities and rippled across countries, the rest of the world has been both slow on the uptake and limited in what they could do to support victims. I believe as human beings we are naturally inclined

What’s it Like to Work at Google?

Google, an expressive, intuitive and creative organisation founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. At present Google offers a vast array of services online, including mail, cloud storage, social networking and most recognisably a search engine (which by the way, deals with over

What are the Webby Awards?

The Webby Awards are international awards honouring excellence on the Internet. They began in 1996 and are presented by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (IADAS). The IADAS is a very diverse organisation, made up of over 1,000 members, including leading web experts,

The 2013 Webby Award Winners have been Announced.

The Webby Awards are an annual award ceremony that rewards excellence on the internet.  It is presented by The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (catchy, right?!).  The awards span the topics that you’d expect; best websites, best online advertising, best online films, etc.

Are you Ready for Facebook Home?

Facebook Home was unveiled to users outside of the US this week, so we’d thought we’d run an article on what the hell it is and what the reaction has been like. So here it goes… What is Facebook Home? Facebook home is a new

Is Shaq the Coolest Man Alive?

If you didn’t know already, I’m a huge NBA fan and I’m an even bigger fan of ex-NBA superstar Shaquille O’Neal… For those who are not familiar with the man mountain that is Shaq, he had an incredible basketball career winning championships and personal accolades,

What is the New Facebook Newsfeed Design?

March has been a month of Facebook design changes! On the 7th they made an announcement that they will be changing the news feed and then shortly after it was the profile timeline that would be getting a makeover also. We’re going to just run

Note to Self: Don’t Try and Sell the Kids on Facebook.

Yeah, you did read that title correctly.  A woman has been trying to flog her children on Facebook.  The scary thing?  She actually had interest.  I’m one of those annoying people who insist that the world is a beautiful place and people are good.  But

Gif Lovers Unite with this Amazing News

Sure this post probably doesn’t hold much relevance for businesses, but still – we all love a .gif and that is why they have become widely popular. They have become a staple of Twitter, Tumblr and more. They often capture a moment perfectly, but finding

Top 10 Worst Business Buzzwords/Phrases

  I think everyone who is involved in business at any level can agree, that people change. You could be chatting to someone at a bar one evening, talking about sports, music, etc. But as soon as you see that guy tomorrow at work, he