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Tips for Twitter Marketing

How to hashtag effectively for your business

‘Hashtagging’ is taking the social media world by storm and is a form of a metadata tag. It all started in 2006 when Twitter was launched. Since then, social media such as Facebook and Instagram, have jumped on the tagging band wagon. It’s important to

When is the Best Time to be on Twitter?

  Twitter. Created in 2006 and going strong ever since. The micro blogging site is popular with an extremely large percent of the population. Why do we use twitter? Many use twitter to see what their favourite celebs are up to, to keep there friends

Should I bother with Twitter promoted posts for my business?

It’s a fact — brands have been on Twitter since day one. They use the platform to connect with consumers in meaningful ways, offering everything from special discounts and exclusive content to new product information. But what if your Tweet is only relevant for a

Who should your business be following on Twitter?

When it comes to using Twitter for business purposes, the likes of Lady Gaga and Katy Perry don’t always provide the inspiration and motivation that you may be looking for. In addition, following everyone and anyone who happens to follow you back almost makes it

1 Twitter Tip that you can Apply Instantly.

If you’re wondering whether the few lines of text underneath your Twitter handle are going to end third world poverty or create global peace then you are truly mistaken; but in terms of gaining social influence on one of the world’s most popular social networks,
Is Twitter for Business a useful concept?

Is Twitter for business a useful concept?

For businesses the idea of advertising to those on twitter is an appealing one. The large number of people on Twitter means that companies looking to advertise are certain to reach many people. Twitter have sought to take advantage of this market by advertising their

Can Twitter accounts get hacked?

Firstly, to be able to answer the question on whether twitter can be hacked or not, we have to know what hacking is. Hackers, in my view aren’t just computer science students with far too much time on their hands writing complicated software to try

How to use Twitter Lists for your Business

Learning how to use Twitter lists for your business is easy, and can be incredibly beneficial. Simply head to the website on your browser, create a list and start adding people you follow.  In late 2009, Twitter introduced the concept of ‘lists’. They could very

What is Twitter?

  Born in the summer of 2006 and currently commanding over 500 millions users, Twitter continues to grow exponentially. But what is it, how does it work and who uses it? Twitter is the brain child of Jack Dorsey. Launched in 2006, the social networking