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Tag: Giraffe Social Media

The 2013: Yearly Review

2013 has been a very busy year for us Giraffes, a lot happened and although we’re sure you’ve been keeping up to date with us – we wanted to collate all of our year’s memories in one place!  At the beginning of the year, Giraffe was very much a baby.

The New Giraffe Office: We’re All Moved In!

Okay, so we’ve actually been in the new office since early October, so this isn’t really news.  However, we’ve only just finished adding all our Giraffey touches, so it’s time to blog about it! As many of you will know, Giraffe is just over a year and a half old

The China Trip Diary: Day 5

Day 5: Alibaba and the 40 Starbucks. On Thursday, Kane and I woke up with a sense of excitement.  I haven’t said much about this in the diary yet, as I didn’t want to ruin it’s surprise.  But we were informed on our night of arrival that Alibaba had heard

The China Trip Diary: Day 4

Day 4: Game Day. After just a few hours of sleep, I woke up and my mind instantly focused on the task ahead of us today.  This was the reason we’d flown half way around the world.  To train the domestic sales team who would eventually be selling the social

Welcome: Our new Social Media Team!

If you’ve been following our journey, then you’ll know that all of this started with Kane and I doing everything within the company.  This was fine for a while, until we grew to a point where there quite literally wasn’t enough hours in the day!  We needed to expand to

Happy 1st Birthday Giraffe!

This Monday, Giraffe had its first birthday!  We can’t believe how quickly a year has gone by, so we wanted to write a quick blog post to talk about the past year.  Before you yawn and click off – there will be a picture of me in a party hat

Hello from Giraffe Social Media!

Welcome to the Expert Blog of Giraffe Social Media.  The mission of this blog is to help you with all things social media. We will be aiming to explore every area of social media, providing industry updates and showing you how it can be used to market your business. With