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Tag: Facebook

5 Things To Consider When Adjusting Your Facebook Privacy Settings

More and more people are joining the Facebook following, but you don’t want all of these individuals to view everything you share and you certainly don’t want them all as friends. You’re probably in the same boat as most individuals in not wanting your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and even

3 Changes Facebook Must Make to be Awesome Again

Since coming out as ‘The Facebook’ exclusively for university students in 2004, this social networking website has rapidly become a household name around the world and has boomed to epic proportions with around 655 million active users browsing the site daily.  Despite everything, we have to face the fact that

How was Social Media Used for the Oklahoma Disaster?

  In the past when natural disasters have struck cities and rippled across countries, the rest of the world has been both slow on the uptake and limited in what they could do to support victims. I believe as human beings we are naturally inclined to help others that go

How Social Media is Affecting The Music Industry

Over time music has evolved in ways we could never imagine. From vinyl to cassette and CD to mp3 who knows what could be next? Social media has also played its part in how we share and experiment with music. The introduction of MySpace back in 2003 was the first

Is Your Facebook Competition Illegal?

  In recent times you may have come to notice a popular trend forming amongst companies, bloggers and at times, just regular people on Facebook. In order to gain likes and increase awareness vast numbers of people are generating Facebook competitions online. They are quickly becoming a popular tactic and
How should hotels use social media?

How Should Hotels Use Social Media?

Social media is an important tool when it comes to the communication between hotels and guests, it’s an easy way to receive reviews from customers on ways you could improve your service or even just a little pat on the back to tell you how well you are doing. There

Social Media case study: How does the BBC use it?

Just like the NHS, Cream Teas, the Queen and my favourite Prince Philip, the BBC is a well-established British institution. Of course, it has issue. For example it doesn’t publish the salaries of Clarkson, Paxman and others, it got embroiled in the Saville scandal and there are always questions about
How to run competitions on social media

How To Run Competitions On Social Media

Remember the times when the only way of entering competitions was to call a telephone number, or collect numerous bottle caps? In some cases this is still a prominent way for companies to run competitions, but they currently face an ever-increasing obligation to reach out to consumers online. I mean what better

What is Facebook’s 20% Rule?

Did you know of this rule? No, I think a lot of people didn’t – and a lot of people have been stung by it. The rule is buried in their advertising guidelines. Did you even know that Facebook had a section for advertising guidelines? We’ve become a species of

Should I Buy Followers/Likes?

No. You knew I was going to say that didn’t you? It seems obvious, yet so many people still do it. We as humans always aspire for the quickfix, that one magic thing that takes two seconds and increases your success by a billion percent. But the truth is, it