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Tips for Social Media

How to Craft the Perfect LinkedIn Post

How to Craft the Perfect LinkedIn Post [INFOGRAPHIC]

LinkedIn is a platform that has seen a huge rise in popularity in the last few years. Due to this boost in popularity, there are plenty of users looking to use it to grow their following. With so many people regularly posting content to LinkedIn,
four elements of a social media strategy

Four Elements of a Strong Social Media Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Social media can be confusing. It can be hard to know where to start, or what you should even be posting on your accounts. But, when you break everything down into the main four sections, crafting your perfect social media strategy becomes much easier. In

5 Signs You Should Outsource Social Media

5 signs you should outsource social media management 1. Your efforts are getting no results 2. Your content is inconsistent 3. You post about whatever, whenever 4. You don’t have any content to post 5. Your content doesn’t align with your brand when is it

How to Batch Create Your Content [INFOGRAPHIC]

Regularly creating content is hard – having to come up with an endless stream of high-quality and engaging social media content is no mean feat. But one thing that we’ve learned during our time working in the world of social media, is the importance of

What is the Impact of Social Media?

What is Social Media? Social media has evolved into a network of endless branches. For example, social media has become a means of connecting with 7 billion people from all across the world, displaying your lifestyle for friends and family to see or keeping up

Is Social Media the New Word of Mouth?

Do you ever wonder if social media is the new word of mouth? Word of mouth has always been a powerful marketing tool. This form of marketing is usually associated with earned media, and therefore is one of the most effective strategies that a business

Video Apps to Create Better Social Media Content [INFOGRAPHIC]

At Giraffe, we’re no strangers to creating stunning video content! From simple animations appearing on our clients’ social media accounts, to full-scale webinar highlight reels, we’re used to getting stuck into the nitty-gritty of video editing. And we’re well aware that not everyone has the

Four Reasons You Should Hire a Social Media Manager [INFOGRAPHIC]

We all know that running a single social media account takes a lot of time, work and effort. So when businesses need to be posting content across multiple networks, it doesn’t take long for all this work to feel overwhelming. Plus, when you’re trying to