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Seasonal Marketing

Christmas social media campaign ideas

5 Creative Ideas For A Christmas Social Media Campaign

Christmas campaigns are a fantastic opportunity for social media marketers to go all-out on their channels, especially those working in eCommerce markets. Whatever your business model or industry, there’s a Christmas campaign to suit you, so we’re bringing you our top 5 ideas for creative

Boost your Instagram Marketing this Christmas

It’s Christmas; time to refocus your Instagram marketing efforts. Over the course of the year Instagram has grown rapidly as a desired go-to network for brand marketing. It’s no wonder when you consider the network’s style of visual communication. Photos and visual media can make quality, attention-grabbing
May the Fourth

Why You Should Honour May the 4th

If you don’t know what this famous day marks, it’s safe to say you’ve been living on…Earth. May the 4th is a day dedicated solely to the Star Wars films franchise. From Lego to Reebok and Nokia to UK football teams, the Star Wars inspired
Easter Is the Time for Engagement

Easter Is the Time for Engagement

Haven’t got any plans for Easter? Well then, you’re missing out on some incredible chances for increased reach and engagement for your brand! The holidays are a perfect time to build a digital marketing strategy to attract new customers and build a community among your

Social Media and the Festival Season

It’s the time of year when festival ticket releases flood the land, with more and more new events being announced each time. However, it wasn’t always this way and the number of attendees grows each year thanks to the relationship between social media and the

Making the Most of the Festive Season

Your company’s office may be decorated with the tallest Christmas tree and brightest baubles, but your brand will gain nothing from beautiful décor in the working environment. It’s time to get digital and turn your spirit for the festive season to your social media. The Christmas

A ‘Social Media’ Christmas Carol

Let’s all gather round for a not-so festive story I call ‘A Social Media Christmas Carol’ – a brief history of how online networking has changed. Social media has undergone a journey over the years, from a fearful, misunderstood and somewhat unknown entity, to a

Unique Ways to Celebrate Easter in the Office

There are tonnes of unique ways to celebrate Easter in the office, many of which can help your team bond and make for awesome social media content. We love a holiday at Giraffe. We want to encourage as many companies as possible to get celebrating

Maximise Your Valentines Day Social Media Message

Love it or loathe it, Valentines Day is another opportunity for you to maximise your social media marketing with a heartfelt promotional message. What does Valentines Day mean to you? It could just be another day of the year. Or maybe it’s an opportunity for

The Office Christmas Party, Social Media and Not Getting Fired

“What I don’t like about office Christmas parties is looking for a job the next day.”                                                                                                                       – Phyllis Diller The office Christmas party is notorious for horror stories. It’s no wonder – your colleagues are the people you spend the most amount of time around.